Am I your drill instructor?

When I was young, I played all kinds of sports.

Football and badminton were among my favourite post-school and weekend activities. Standing beside me, giving me instructions about the how, what and when, I had some amazing coaches. I was constantly guided by people who had that feeling of how to awaken skills to perform better.

Let the latter sink in for a while. Perform better.

Throughout my journey, to perform better, I had to regularly train. Allowing certain habits to rise that hardly saw the light of day. Practice consistently and continuously competing was the way forward. I was translating these skills into practices, just to get that one per cent better. In the end, giving yourself that pat on the back for a job well done was the reward.

The finite goal – winning – came first, but playing well and having that feeling you faced a tougher opponent. I did all I could do to reach peak performance and that was maybe even more important.

At that time, I was just disappointed not to get that win.

And with a coach by your side, and not a drill instructor, it has become so much clearer that winning is not the goal you’re after.

Just getting that little bit better every single time.

Coaching is all about awaking something you know you have in you.

It may be painful or shocking at times, but we’re here to gently push you towards your goal. The chances you will thrive will become more apparent, even when the road to success needs to be adjusted. Always ask yourself every single day, why am I doing this? in order to make a finite goal turns into an infinite journey.

As a coach, I am not a walking-and-talking Encyclopaedia Britannica when it comes to nutrition. However, I have a sound understanding of the processes, the outlying and external factors connected to taking in nutrients, and how it may affect your goal. And I continue to learn new stuff and how it can impact the concept of deep health. 

Nor am I there to tell you what you must do to succeed. After all, you are the one who knows yourself best.

I am not a drill instructor.

I am more like a guide, a sign post in a labyrinth when you feel a bit lost. Sometimes, It may be that I can come forward as a bit of an analyst when things take a bit of a wrong turn. I may take up the role of cheerleader (ahum) yet the responsibility of taking the path to your goal remains with you.

Accountability of your actions takes centre stage. It is not possible to stand beside you 24/7 and point out all your deviations every single day.

Going all out on you is not the way. Coaching entails teaming up, directing you with mutual consent, finding new paths when old paths do not work. And yes, we coaches do get our hands dirty once in a while when I do not know the answer to your questions. 

When zest and passion about a topic fuels my nutritional wanderlust and makes a seemingly dormant volcano explode, it is because I am still coached. My destination postcard has become clear because of my why. Because of my coaches. By avoiding a lot of internet know-it-all’s and by keeping it simple, I have turned towards nutritional coaching.


Because I want to take away the complex roads people take to thrive. I want to ensure that we start off where you are right now. And not setting unrealistic goals because the internet says ‘xx says it can be done in 30 days’.

I may unveil your blind spots and reveal habits hidden from you without knowing you had them, but that is all part of the thriving process.

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. | Neale Donald Walsh

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