Mastering the Three Pillars for Weight Loss

Just like everyone in this world, we are all students and teachers.

We ask for help on topics we know little about but make sense to get some clarification on. For whatever reasons that may drive you. In other matters, we are seen as geniuses. The person to connect with as a beacon of information you need.

Other parts, we know we are not good at it. Incompetence is a part of us. I have a few things I simply ignore or distribute to those with more knowledge than me. I accept that and define this as a matter I do not want to waste time and money on.

It does not really matter what environment you are in. Together with your partner or the mastermind behind a 10-million subscriber channel on YouTube. 

Knowing is one thing.

Believing you know is another thing. It leans towards ego-tripping sometimes, and that is all fine.

When it comes to weight loss, there are three pillars I consider as part of the sum of the overall solution. 

Systems/Environment, Emotions and Knowledge.

It always falls back on one of these pillars. Or a combination of both. 

Accept that having a growth mindset outweighs the confidence you can do it on your own. Ever considered some of your habits as a hurdle to success? What if you do not even know what that habit actually is? Or how you can control your environment if you are not aware of how your environment can work against you.

We are all students and teachers. 

Accept that asking for help is part of life. 

Reward yourself with a healthier life when you get stuck.

If you have decided to be a master, you must continue to be a student! | Mehmet Murat ildan
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